This podcast has a few different ways of covering manga and sometimes anime. Every episode opens with what we have been reading or watching, maybe a bit of news and then its onto the main segment which can be one of the following. Every episode from 159 onward is timestamped.
For a more general introduction to the podcast and hosts then read our about page.

Retrospective – We read an entire series from start to finish and talk about our thoughts. Every series is different but we usually like to focus on the themes the author might be trying to convey and we love spotting changes or evolution in the art style. Some notable example would be:

One shot – We read a shorter series that’s usually just one or two volumes long and cover in just one episode of the podcast. Notable examples would be:

Triple Dip – We read the first volume of three different series. We talk about the individual works but also compare and contrast which has a better beginning and which one we’d most likely continue reading. Sometimes one these choices will transition into being our next Retrospective. Notable examples are:

Manga in Motion – One of our pallet cleanser episodes. This is where we give reading a bit of a break and we watch a film, usually animated, but always based on a manga. Regardless of medium we still share our insights on the adaptation and try and talk about the themes of the work. Some notable examples:

Anime Interlude – Four times a year we take a break to look back on the last anime season and forward to the next one with a recurring guest to help us out. Lately Miki Stopwatch does us the honor. We are not an anime podcast so we don’t bother with a comprehensive review of the season, we mostly focus on what we liked and what we are looking forward to. This is our most recent episode:

Guest Gaiden – We’ve been blessed with multiple guest over the years. We sometimes pick a movie or a manga as the main subject but we always focus on the insight of our guest. These are just a few examples of the great people kind enough to come talk to us:

Saikyo Selections – We look at one or two specific story arcs from a long running series. We attempt to choose a segment of the story where we might witness a series’ most characteristic elements, good or bad. This is our way of covering a lot of long running popular series that we usually shy away from. Notable examples are:

Creator Cross Section – We choose one manga creator and look at various works throughout their career. We’re specifically trying to see if they have changed in their art or writing style, along with finding similar themes. Some examples are:

Missing Member Machinations – Whenever one of us is absent we usually change our programming so that they, and you the listener, don’t miss out. These placeholder episodes usually focuses on a single manga magazine and we talk about their current line up. Some examples are:

Year End Review – We look back on the year and choose our favorite manga we read and anime we watched. We also talk about highlights of the podcast and plans we might have for the future. Our most recent episode:

Miscellaneous – Our collection of episodes that don’t fit under any particular category or episode formats that we’ve retired, such as Side by Side. Some examples are: