234 – Give My Regards to Black Jack part 2

This week we continue learning about modern Japanese medicine through the lens of Shuho Sato’s Give My Regards to Black Jack!
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If you have any thoughts on the episode, manga suggestions, or anything else please comment below!
- 00:00:00 – Intro Song: “I am Just Feeling Alive” by UMI KUUN from Young Black Jack, Opening, Introductions, Gaelic Football
- 00:03:25 – Whatchu Been Reading: Transition Song: Dragon Ball Z OST “Prologue”, Darfox reads volume 1 of Mob Psycho 100 and praises ONE’s bad art
- 00:08:18 – We discuss the similarities between ONE and Nobuyuki Fukumoto
- 00:12:25 – Is Kichijoji the Only Place to Live? opens Seamus into the manga genre of real estate
- 00:17:43 – dakazu checks out the brand new prequel to Jisatsutou(Suicide Island) called Muhoutou(Lawless Island)
- 00:23:05 – Finding out that Otto no Chinpo ga Hairanai is non-fiction has dakazu agreeing that “truth is stranger than fiction”
- 00:30:54 – News: BEASTARS anime will premier October 2019
- 00:32:54 – VIZ will be releasing a deluxe edition of Kazuo Umezu’s horror classic The Drifting Classroom
- 00:35:09 – VIZ launches VIZ Originals which will publish original graphic novels by manga-inspired creators
- 00:43:45 – Next Episode Preview and Rundown: Retrospective on Give My Regards to Black Jack, we will continue our comprehensive review of Shuho Sato’s manga(covers volumes 8-10)
- 00:44:15 – Main Segment Retrospective: Give My Regards to Black Jack, Transition Song: “LIFE is… 〜another story〜” by Ken Hirai from Give My Regards to Black Jack, comprehensive review of Shuho Sato’s medical drama
- 00:46:10 – We talk about Saito’s brief stint in Pediatrics
- 00:49:52 – We ponder if Sato got his storylines from the current news headlines
- 00:53:23 – We discuss whether we should start fact checking the medical information presented in this manga
- 00:55:43 – Saito’s next arc takes him into the world of cancer patients and the problem Japan faces with approving new anti-cancer drugs
- 00:59:18 – The romance between Dr. Usami and Noriki within the flashback leaves much to be desired
- 01:04:23 – Darfox questioned the Japanese laws regarding disclosure presented in this arc
- 01:06:41 – We praise this series for showing nuance in the three different ideologies of each doctor
- 01:08:55 – Seamus looks ups some facts about full-disclosure in Japanese medical practice that match the information presented in the manga
- 01:13:19 – We debate the appropriateness of Sato’s portrayal of cancer patient Mrs. Tsujimoto compared to other media
- 01:21:33 – We share how reading a manga with such heavy themes of mortality and disease have effected us
- 01:22:47 – Darfox thinks the two female characters are presented as a reflection of Saito’s righteous passion and rational mind
- 01:26:26 – Seamus was surprised to see anti-cancer drug testing facts but relieved nothing like the talking prenatal twins appeared in these volumes
- 01:27:42 – We some final thoughts about the series so far
- 01:28:30 – Next Week’s Topic: Give My Regards to Black Jack, Social Media Rundown, Sign Off Song: “wish men” by sunbrain from Beet the Vandel Buster