350 – One Shot 41 – Our Dreams at Dusk: Shimanami Tasogare

Welcome to the start of our Pride Month Spectacular! We’re kicking things off with a One Shot on the excellent Our Dreams at Dusk: Shimanami Tasogare by Yuhki Kamatani! We also discuss *SPOILERS* for BEASTARS volume 12!!!
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If you have any thoughts on the episode, manga suggestions, or anything else please comment below!
- 00:00:00 – Intro Song: “Massara” by KANA-BOON from Sarazanmai, Opening, Introductions, Starting our Pride Month Spectacular
- 00:01:17 – Listener Email: Which manga artist would we be the editor or assistant to?
- 00:11:26 – Jocelyne Allen follows up on Nagata Kabi’s fictional series Happy Birthday
- 00:12:49– Whatchu Been Reading: Transition Song: Dragon Ball Z OST “Prologue”, Morgana has read Lovesickness: Junji Ito Story Collection
- 00:17:23 – *SPOILERS* We discuss the contents of BEASTARS volume 12
- 00:31:33 – News: Paru Itagaki’s Bota Bota to be published internationally in 5 languages
- 00:32:51 – Rumiko Takahashi starts Twitter and Naoki Urasawa starts a YouTube channel
- 00:35:36 – Romi Hoshino gets guilty verdict over his involvement with Mangamura manga piracy site
- 00:41:07 – Next Episode Preview and Rundown: Triple Dip, We will read the beginning of three different LGBTQ+ manga to see if we’d keep reading them and also pick our favorite, including: Boys Run the Riot by Keito Gaku, I Think Our Son is Gay by Okura, and Even Though We’re Adults by Takako Shimura
- 00:42:18 – Main Segment One Shot: Our Dreams at Dusk: Shimanami Tasogare, Transition Song: “White-Collar Elegy” by Akio Ootsuka from Africa Salaryman, We review all 4 volumes of Yuhki Kamatani’s beautifully drawn series about a closeted gay teenager who finds a Drop-in center with a LGBTQ+ community
- 01:18:13 – Breaking News: Star Fruit Books licenses Hideshi Hino’s The City of Pigs
- 01:19:21 – Next Week’s Topic: Boys Run the Riot/I Think Our Son is Gay/Even Though We’re Adults, Social Media Rundown, Sign Off Song: “wish men” by sunbrain from Beet the Vandel Buster