A manga about a futuristic world where humans try to survive against extreme conditions, invading armies, and a frame disease that slowly changes you into a robot-like doll.

This series is basically Tsutomu Nihei’s take on a shonen manga and a sentai hero. The protagonist abandons his humanity to gain super powers to fight against an oppressive regime. Even the design of his doll armor is very reminiscent of the insect inspired designs of Kamen Rider.

One thing to note is how Nihei’s art style has evolved since his days of writing BLAME!. While completing Knights of Sidonia, you can tell he started replacing his black inking and leaving them white. This style works well with the snowy setting of Aposimz and gives it a much cleaner look.

Although I miss the ambiguity of his storytelling, this new work by Nihei is still great.
