
A manga about Reiki Kikoku, a man born between evil and good who becomes a Godsider destined to vanquish Devilsiders who plan on conquering all for Satan.
This is a gory battle manga from the 1980’s when that genre was popularized by titles like Fist of the North Star and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Godsider‘s gimmick was that the good and evil sides were loosely based around Judaist and Christian mythology. It’s a completely decent action series by Kouji Maki but it’s personally special to me because it was my first introduction to extremely gory battle manga. I read when I was visiting my father’s hometown in Shikoku, Japan. My much older cousin had it and it blew my poor ten year-old brain. I had nightmares from weeks because of this book. Looking at it now it’s really not that scary but to my sheltered childhood self it was the equivalent of looking at a snuff film.