Gohan Sukieeee

A series of stories involving food that Toru Seino experienced.
I really love Toru Seino‘s manga. His non-fiction storytelling is so witty and hilarious. He’s totally that friend you have who has the craziest stories to share.
This series is focused on sorely on food stories but they’re all hilarious and great. One of my favorites was how he went with a buddy to a restaurant that said ramen but looked like a sushi place. They entered and found the sashimi and raw fish dishes tasted amazing but the chef won’t serve sushi because he’s switched to making ramen. While they wait for ramen they notice another drunk customer who has wet himself but wants ramen. They predict that the ramen is so good it’s worth pissing yourself over but the end result is unspeakable.
One note about Seino is that he continues to include real life photography of these people. You can see the customer’s crotch is clearly damp but if he didn’t put a mosaic over the face I would call this exploitative.