Hibiki – Shousetsuka ni Naru Houhou

Hibiki – Shousetsuka ni Naru Houhou

A manga about a 15 year old genius girl who changes the literary world with her writing talent and often volatile personality.

I’ve heard a lot of buzz around this series last year when it was adapted into a live-action movie. Finally got around to reading it and was floored by how good it was.

Although the story is centered around literary works and awards, it’s clearly not the focus. It’s all about Hibiki and her ‘give no fucks’ personality. She’s a fascinating character who’s incredibly straight forward. Some thug threatens her with and empty threat and she doesn’t hesitate to break his finger. Reporters try to get a scoop on her personal life and she follows them back to their home and openly threatens their family. She’s a sociopath by all standards yet there’s something so refreshing about a person who isn’t bogged down by social standards of society. She does what she wants and that’s how she lives her life. I was completely enthralled to see what she would do next as adults keep trying to use her talent for their own gain, only to have Hibiki completely blowup in their faces.

I will say the artwork is simple but the story is so good that I’m going to be following this series from now on.
