
A manga about a writer who tries to kill his wife on a tropical island paradise when they are both kidnapped and confined by a terrifying old man in his secret hideout.
This is a slightly older horror manga by Masasumi Kakizaki, who is probably best known for being the artist on Rainbow. Kakizaki is an excellent artist and his drawing skills shine within the horror genre. Specifically in this book he does amazing work focusing on the horrific looking eyes of the old man. They actually give me the chills when I look at them too long.
The story here is also done really well with constant flashbacks that show the tragedy that drove the writer to madness. It’s interwoven with the horror of the hideout that imprisons the old man’s victims. I appreciate a horror story that has no sympathetic characters because the brutal violence that follows seems fitting. Kakizaki even throws in a great hook at the end to bring everything together.