Joshikousei ni Korosaretai

Joshikousei ni Korosaretai

A manga about a man who’s ultimate wish is to be killed by a high school girl.

This is an interesting one. While I didn’t like how they never explained why the man became obsessed with getting killed, they do tie it to his sexual urges as a form of autassassinophilia. And despite his desire to be killed he also takes into the account of whether a young girl has the strength to strangle him and to find a way where she wouldn’t end up being charged with murder afterwards. This realistic approach kept me reading what would otherwise be a simply exploitative story going for shock. I will say there were some really forced plot elements they included that needed to happen so everything would play out for the sake of the story. I was willing to ignore them just to see if all the meticulous planning by the man paid off.

I won’t spoil it but I think it helped that this was only a short 2 volume manga that was paced appropriately. Not sure I would recommend it though because I don’t it was interesting enough to outweigh the problematic themes.
