
A manga about the serial killer hunter Satanister who enters the ultimate serial killer tournament to hunt down and defeat the serial killer known as Valkyrie.
This is another over-the-top horror action series by Rei Mikamoto. I’m a fan of his campy gory horror comedy Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw but I wasn’t that enthused about this book. It was strange that the first two chapters focus on the serial killer Valkyrie having her way but forcing her victims into gory death games before the titular Satanister finally makes an appearance. Once she shows up the series devolves into a gory battlefest that follows Satanister and her sidekick fight against other serial killers. Mikamoto is well versed in action which was enjoyable to read but I missed the ultra campy comedy of Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw. A decent horror action but not my favorite of his works.