165 – One Shot 8 – A Distant Neighborhood

Seamus is out sick this week but it isn’t stopping us from doing a One Shot retrospective on A Distant Neighborhood!
Continue reading165 – One Shot 8 – A Distant Neighborhood
Seamus is out sick this week but it isn’t stopping us from doing a One Shot retrospective on A Distant Neighborhood!
Continue reading131 – Manga in Motion 14 – Patlabor: The Movie
On this episode we discuss the upcoming live-action Ghost in the Shell, Seamus finishes March comes in like a lion and now hates Momo, we love looking behind the scenes of creating manga in Naoki Urasawa’s Manben, dakazu is touched by Akiko Higashimura’s loving tribute to her art teacher in Blank Canvas: My So-Called Artist’s Journey(Kakukaku Shikajika), and we weigh in on the Netflix version of Death Note! Then we dive into a lengthy analysis of Patlabor: The Movie and compare it to Mamoru Oshii’s other movies!!!
Continue reading126 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 7
This week we explain Valentine’s Day customs in Japan, Seamus watches more March comes in like a lion anime, darfox finishes Nana to Kaoru but wasn’t sure what to expect of the new Shonen Jump series We Never Learn!, and dakazu checks out Spider-Man: The Manga! Then, we return to our retrospective of Osamu Tezuka’s Phoenix by jumping into the Genpei War era of Japan!!!(covers volume 7-Civil War part 1)
Continue reading122 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 6
This week Seamus notices the occasional food chapter in Golden Kamuy and March comes in like a lion while dakazu finally understands to origins of 3 yakuza minions who are transformed into teen idols in Back Street Girls! Then it’s time to continue our Phoenix retrospective where we discuss everything from edited versions to our thoughts on Osamu Tezuka as a mangaka!!!(covers volume 6-Nostalgia)
Continue reading118 – 2016 Year End Review
Happy Holidays! This week dakazu checks out another female relationship compilation called mon*mon and he kinda digs the mashup of famous historical figures with generic battles in Reincarnation no Kaben! Then we list off the top manga and anime that we enjoyed(and hated) since our last Year End Review and recap our favorites from this past year!!!
Continue reading114 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 2
This week dakazu loves tales of bizarre foods in Kiritani-san cho!, sore Kuunsuka!?, darfox gets to read the Dune-like Imuri, Seamus is working to catch up on March comes in like a lion(3-gatsu no Lion), we discuss Takashi Miike manga to movie adaptation like Blade of the Immortal, and rant about Terraformars. Then, things get serious during our retrospective of Phoenix as we share some personal feelings about the subject matter of death.(covers volume 2-Future)
Continue reading110 – Triple Dip 18 – Joshi Kouhei, Blue Giant, Musume no Iede
On this episode dakazu loves the dramatic reenactments of the Steve Jobs/Bill Gates feud in Steves, darfox checks out the Blood Blockade Battlefront(Kekkai Sensen) OVA, and Seamus finally gets into the March Comes in like a Lion anime! Then we start another Triple Dip! We discuss the theme of music in manga with Blue Giant, praise the character focused chapters in Musume no Iede(I’m a Runaway Girl), and argue where the line between creativity and titillation are with Joshi Kouhei!!!
Continue reading109 – Manga in Motion 10 – Redline
This week Seamus is back from his Chicago vacation, dakazu gushes over the current series by Wandering Son manga artist called Musume no Iede(I’m a Runaway Girl) for interweaving various character relationships, and we continue our thoughts of the March Comes in like a Lion and Yuri!!! on Ice anime! Then we jump into another Manga in Motion pick with Redline! We try to dissect this chaotic mess of a movie and breakdown all the references to other anime it crams into it’s 102 minute running time!!!
Continue reading107 – Anime Interlude 4 – March Comes in like a Lion
This week we’re joined by listener Miki’s Stopwatch! He talks about his origins in anime and manga and then helps us dive into a huge discussion of recent anime we’ve all been watching. We’ll discuss Orange, The Rose of Versailles, Patlabor, Gakuen Handsome, Keijo!!!!!!!!, Drifters, March Comes in like a Lion, Yuri!!! on Ice, Mob Psycho 100, and much, much more!!!
Continue reading083 – Monster part 1
On this episode Seamus catches up on March comes in like a lion(3-angatsu no Lion), darfox gets into translating slander in Prison School, and dakazu reads a horror version of Mushishi in Tsubaki and salary negotiations of professional baseball in Gurazeni: Money Pitch! Then we begin our newest retrospective of Monster, the work that made Naoki Urasawa what he is today! Listen as we discuss the story, characters and have dramatic read-throughs of the select scenes in what we’re calling Monster-piece Theater!!!(covers chapters 1-16)
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