Seven Shakespeares

A fictional story about the origins of William Shakespeare.
We’ve discussed this on a recent episode.
While Harold Sakuishi may be taking some interesting historical liberties for the sake of storytelling, this series is very entertaining. Sakuishi is basically creating a narrative that includes every conspiracy theory about William Shakespeare. While some of his choices feel shallow and misrepresentative of cultures, you can’t deny his mastery of the visual narrative. My main complaint for this series is that unlike Sakuishi’s representative series BECK, this manga takes a long time until the story really starts getting into Shakespeare creating his famous plays in London.
Regardless, I am a big fan of this series and I’m very grateful that Harold Sakuishi returned to it after a 5 year hiatus with 7-nin No Shakespeare NON SANZ DROICT. That series has been rolled into Kodansha Comic‘s English editions of Seven Shakespeares.