056 – Blame! part 2

056 – Blame! part 2

This week we start off with a Billy Bat update hour, Seamus continues with Planetes, darfox and dakazu discuss the ending of the Blood Blockade Battlefront(Kekkai Sensen) anime, we talk about the One Punch Man anime, and end with a long recap of the next set of Blame! chapters in our Retrospective!!!(covers chapters 12-24)

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053 – Manga in Motion 1 – Tokyo Godfathers

053 – Manga in Motion 1 – Tokyo Godfathers

The week we start out new segment Manga in Motion, where we discuss anime films. Our first pick is Tokyo Godfathers by Satoshi Kon! Also, darfox talks about vampires in Happiness, Seamus catches up on Hi Score Girl, we discuss the struggle of manga artist Shuho Sato vs. his publishers, and we see if Boob Morning returns in volume 2 of I am a Hero!

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051 – 1 Year Anniversary Special – Akira movie

051 – 1 Year Anniversary Special – Akira movie

Welcome to a special edition of Manga Machinations! We’re celebrating our 1 year mark by discussing the newest Billy Bat chapters, the 1988 anime movie Akira, and our top 3 favorite manga of the past year! Thanks for listening and enjoy!!!

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047 – Akira part 3

047 – Akira part 3

This week we talk about natto on rice, the end of What a Wonderful World!(Subarashii Sekkai) taking a dark turn, and how the anime of Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls(Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou) is porn. Then we have an extra long, in-depth analysis on our current series Akira!!!(covers volume 3)

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046 – Akira part 2

046 – Akira part 2

On this episode dakazu revisits O-Parts Hunter(666 Satan)(done by the younger twin brother of Naruto manga artist), darfox feels the forced Naru x Hina in The Last – Naruto the Movie, Seamus continues consuming more Inio Asano manga with What a Wonderful World!(Subarashii Sekai), we discuss anime adaptations of manga done right, and how Metal Gear Solid rips off Akira!!!.(covers volume 2)

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042 – Pluto part 4

042 – Pluto part 4

Tune into our final retrospective of Naoki Urasawa’s Pluto!! We’ll cover the final 2 volumes of the series and compare it with Osamu Tezuka’s original storyline!(covers chapters 48-65) We also discuss Solanin, Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring(Naruto Gaiden), and get ready for the summer anime season!

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034 – Nausicaä part 6

034 – Nausicaä part 6

This week dakazu hates animorphs & internet memes in Killing Bites, Seamus learns the moral lesson of Yurikuma Arashi, darfox doesn’t like the generic story bits of My Love Story!!(Ore Monogatari!!), and in our read through of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind we witness Nausicaä become Jesus!!!(covers vol. 6)

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032 – Nausicaä part 4

032 – Nausicaä part 4

After we ponder a communal hikikomori lifestyle, Seamus learns about shogi in March comes in like a lion(3-gatsu no Lion), dakazu finds an adult spin on roommate comedy 2DK, and darfox prepares more destiny in Boruto: Naurto the Movie! Afterwords we dig into a huge info dump in the next part of our Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind retrospective!!(covers vol. 4)

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