East, Into The Night

A manga about a mysterious man who’s joined by a young huntress as they traverse their pitch black surroundings in search of the legendary ‘morning’.
We’ve discussed this on an older episode.
A decent adventure series. I was serialized on Jump+ and it was notable for being done in full color. Lots of good coloring and lighting of the backgrounds that worked hand in hand with the story about a world without daylight. Unfortunately it was canceled after only 12 chapters due to poor sales of the first volume. I think it’s really sad that the creator ANGYAMAN had to publicly say he felt awful that his editors were being badmouthed for his inability to make sales. But if volumes sales decide the cancellation of a series, this one was doomed to start because it was only being sold digitally due to the coloring.
You can read this manga on MANGA Plus for now but I’m not sure how long it will be available.