A manga where a one-eyed widow takes up a sniper rifle to seek revenge in the civil war that consumes the island kingdom of Alistria.

Every aspect from the soldier’s uniforms to their weapons in this manga are heavily inspired by World War 2. Reading this was like experiencing Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan. It’s filled with heavy drama about the guilt of killing and the horrors of war. The art work is a little rough around the edges due to the fact it started as a web manga. However by volume 2 they get right into some meaty action scenes that were wonderfully chaotic.

A solid war story. I’ll be reading more.


230 – Manga in Motion 35 – Alita: Battle Angel

230 – Manga in Motion 35 – Alita: Battle Angel

This week we check out the 2019 Alita: Battle Angel: a live-action adaptation of Yukito Kishiro’s Sci-Fi seinen series! Have dakazu and Darfox finally found a good manga movie adaptation?!

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