

A horror manga about aquatic animals rising from the sea using metal legs powered by a death stench who terrorize the lands.

This is another classic series from Junji Ito. I personally rank it fairly low compared to Ito’s other works. While the horror of the device powered shark is terrifying, Gyo pretty much can be summed up as an extended fart joke. It’s definitely unique and horrific but I would recommend Uzumaki over this one.

Available in English from VIZ.


004 – Billy Bat part 4

004 – Billy Bat part 4

Sit down for a megaton of an episode! Seamus raves about farts after finishing Gyo: The Death-Stench Creeps, darfox gives Uzumaki: Spiral into Horror some love, and dakazu is squeamish over the hyper violence of Magical Girl Apocalypse. Then the hosts dive deep into Billy Bat and spend over an hour discussing minutia in the conclusion of the JFK assassination arc!(covers chapters 42-62)

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003 – Billy Bat part 3

003 – Billy Bat part 3

This week we get into mecha sharks running on gas with Junji Ito’s Gyo: The Death-Stench Creeps, complain about how we can’t remember who’s who in Claymore, and we continue our Billy Bat analysis with the JFK assassination arc while fact checking Wikipedia against the new main character Lee Harvey Oswald!(covers chapters 28-41)

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