456 – Ryuko part 2

On this episode we discuss Helck, One-Punch Man, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Barbeque, Drunk Invader, Spunk, and more! Then we finish out our Ryuko Retrospective!!!
Continue reading456 – Ryuko part 2
On this episode we discuss Helck, One-Punch Man, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Barbeque, Drunk Invader, Spunk, and more! Then we finish out our Ryuko Retrospective!!!
Continue readingHelck
I was introduced to this manga on a whim and initially I thought the premise of having a fantasy warrior equivalent of Superman join the Demon’s army was silly. As I kept reading the story evolved into a generic but epic struggle of good vs. evil that got me to finish the whole series.
It wasn’t anything original but definitely ended up being a surprise like from me.
170 – 2017 Year End Review
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays! Our final podcast of 2017 will be our year end review where we cover our favorite manga and anime from the past year!
Continue reading167 – Saikyo Selections 9 – Golgo 13
This week we’ll be looking at the longest running manga ever, Golgo 13! Does it stand the test of time? Listen to hear our thoughts!
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