Versus Earth – War Hammer

Versus Earth – War Hammer

The sequel series to Versus Earth.

We’ve discussed this on a recent episode.

I was equally surprised and excited to learn that Kazutomo Ichitomo took it upon himself to draw the continuation of Versus Earth with Versus Earth – War Hammer. He originally started posting new chapters over on Pixiv until he was able to self publish them through Denpa Bato. Since Ichitomo was just the writer of Versus Earth there is an obvious change in art style here. I don’t think Ichitomo does a bad job but I miss the shonen action style of Yoshihiko Watanabe.

So I was all ready to read the ending of this series when I found out Versus Earth – War Hammer is also unfinished! It’s been on hiatus since 2017 when Ichitomo got busy with other projects. At this point I doubt I’ll ever get to read the end of Versus Earth. Maybe somethings were never meant to be.


Versus Earth

Versus Earth

A manga where humanity is battling against deadly pillars who threaten to exterminate them appear from the ground. Teenager Haruto Teragane is dragged into this battle after becoming partially infected by a pillar shard.

A very decent sci-fi shonen action series. I enjoyed reading it in Weekly Shonen Champion. I thought Yoshihiko Watanabe‘s action scenes were engaging and while the story setup by Kazutomo Ichitomo was a bit generic I still enjoyed reading about Haruto learning to harness his pillar powers for good.

Unfortunately this series was canceled mid-story after 9 volumes. I was pretty bummed about it but I just learned that Ichitomo went on draw a sequel series called Versus Earth – War Hammer. I’m excited to track it down so I can finally finish this story!


308 – Kasane part 4

308 – Kasane part 4

Our penultimate episode on Kasane has brought us on a story trajectory we’re not happy about! We desperately try to predict where Daruma Matsuura is trying to lead us with the upcoming ending to these literal dramatics! We also talk about I Don’t Know How to Give Birth!Meshi ni Shimashou, the cancellation of Act-Age, and more!!!

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