

A manga about modern Japan where anomalies known as ‘hizumi’ appear and mix together objects. After a high school delinquent, middle school nerd, cat, and flea end up fusing together, they embark on a quest to learn more about the anomaly.

I really enjoyed this! The main character of the cat with a kendo stick caught my eye when I would flip through Manga Action magazine and I finally had a chance to read it. The gimmick of this world Sakumo Okada set up is really fascinating and lead to some really unique mixes, such as a boxer with long pole arms or a homeless man who mixed with a tree.

The story moved along nice an quick and led to a open ended but satisfying conclusion. The series was both dramatic and comedic, which I loved. I’ll definitely be tracking down any more works by Okada. He’s gained a new fan.


243 – One Shot 20 – Tekkon Kinkreet

243 – One Shot 20 – Tekkon Kinkreet

This week we take a look at Taiyo Matsumoto’s Tekkon Kinkreet! We talk about Matsumoto’s French comic influenced art style and his story about two orphans living in the streets of the fantastical Treasure Town!!!

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