Mitsume Mokushiroku: Akuma Ouji Sharaku

Found this reboot/sequel to Osamu Tezuka’s lesser known work The Three Eyed One. Pretty disappointing as the artwork isn’t great. I recommend you go read the original instead.
Mitsume Mokushiroku: Akuma Ouji Sharaku
Found this reboot/sequel to Osamu Tezuka’s lesser known work The Three Eyed One. Pretty disappointing as the artwork isn’t great. I recommend you go read the original instead.
135 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 12
On this episode we answer an email, discuss the new chapters of Chi no Wadachi, dakazu compares must-read manga vs. top-of-their-genre manga, Seamus is disappointed about how Himegoto – Juukyuusai no Seifuku ends, and the manga 10 Dance is everything dakazu wanted Yuri!!! on Ice to be! Then we wrap up on the final volume of Phoenix, share our opinions on the series as a whole, and weigh in on our favorite arcs!!!(covers volume 12-Early Works)
Continue reading134 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 11
This week we thank Leann Hill for our awesome new avatars! Then we run down the new anime of the season, including The Eccentric Family 2, Sakura Quest, The Laughing Salesman(Warau Salesman), Berserk, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul, and ATOM: THE BEGINNING! Also dakazu is excited for Kouji Mori’s new manga Sousei no Taiga! Finally, we finish the Sun arc of Phoenix!!!(covers volume 11-Sun part 2)
Continue reading133 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 10
On this episode we read an email, Seamus describes the unique manga in AX Volume 1, dakazu can’t help but compare 7 Billion Needles to Parasyte, darfox praises the characterizations in BEASTARS, and he reports back from seeing the new Ghost in the Shell movie! Finally, we check out the next volume of Osamu Tezuka’s Phoenix for our retrospective!!!(covers volume 10-Sun part 1)
Continue reading128 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 9
On this episode we read an email about using curse words in translations, Seamus is confused about what’s going on in To Your Eternity, darfox ponders the fates of the new Shonen Jump manga Dr. Stone and Marie the Hungry, dakazu discovers the prequel to Astro Boy Atom:The Beginning, and he loves the relatable quirks of eating food in Medamayaki no Kimi Itsu Tsubusu?! We end by discussing the next volume of Phoenix for our continuing retrospective!!!(covers volume 9-Strange Beings/Life)
Continue reading127 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 8
On this episode Seamus enjoys the relationship of a lesbian couple in Collectors, dakazu is creeped out by the incestuous undertones of Shuzo Oshimi’s new title Chi no Wadachi, the manga of Dragon Ball Super reveals interesting things about Goku and Chi-Chi’s relationship, developments in Boruto are super cliche, and darfox finds out Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club(Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-Bu) isn’t just a female version of Yowamushi Pedal! Finally, we finish off the Civil War story line in Osamu Tezuka’s Phoenix and share our thoughts!!!(covers volume 8-Civil War part 2)
Continue reading126 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 7
This week we explain Valentine’s Day customs in Japan, Seamus watches more March comes in like a lion anime, darfox finishes Nana to Kaoru but wasn’t sure what to expect of the new Shonen Jump series We Never Learn!, and dakazu checks out Spider-Man: The Manga! Then, we return to our retrospective of Osamu Tezuka’s Phoenix by jumping into the Genpei War era of Japan!!!(covers volume 7-Civil War part 1)
Continue reading122 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 6
This week Seamus notices the occasional food chapter in Golden Kamuy and March comes in like a lion while dakazu finally understands to origins of 3 yakuza minions who are transformed into teen idols in Back Street Girls! Then it’s time to continue our Phoenix retrospective where we discuss everything from edited versions to our thoughts on Osamu Tezuka as a mangaka!!!(covers volume 6-Nostalgia)
Continue reading120 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 4
On this episode Seamus finally finishes Revolutionary Girl Utena and Mob Psycho 100, darfox starts Showa: A History of Japan, and dakazu watches Yuri!!! on Ice with his wife while checking out CANDY SAMURAI WARS! and Becchin to Mandara! Then we finally get back to our retrospective review of Osamu Tezuka’s Phoenix by discussing his most critically acclaimed volume!!!(covers volume 4-Karma)
Continue reading115 – Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix part 3
On this episode dakazu talks about one of the earliest video game manga with everything from Satan to Swastikas, Game Center Arashi! He also loves the new bleak and violent post-apocalyptic revenge tale of a man on fire(literally), Fire Punch! Then we jump into another volume of Osamu Tezuka’s Phoenix and talk about one of our favorite tales of the immortal bird!!!(covers volume 3-Yamato/Space)
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