

A manga about a humans teleported to a strange world filled with monsters. They fight back by using trigger switches that unlock psychic abilities such as telekinesis and pyromancy.

Pretty good horror manga and debut work. The story is a little rote with the main character having amnesia. It later ties into a time travel which is also pretty standard for stories in science fiction horror genre. The standout here is Ryuhaku Nagata‘s monster designs. They’re very monstrous and decently horrifying. Nagata will focus on these monsters to make his next series Satsujin Ryoudan – MADMEN –. It’s just a shame that his art sometimes doesn’t push the horror elements further.


Satsujin Ryoudan – MADMEN –

Satsujin Ryoudan – MADMEN –

A manga where a young man trapped on an island full of sadistic killers must survive and save his loved one.

The problem we have here is that nothing in this manga is really original or impressive. Everything from the design of the killers and scientific human Frankenstein’s monsters to the scenarios the survivors are put in looks like they’ve been ripped off of a horror movie or scary video game. Ryuhaku Nagata’s artwork isn’t strong enough to create anything that I thought was gross or scary. This whole concept is better executed in Kichikujima.

It’s currently available to read on Magazine Pocket and I kinda feel like it’s there because it wouldn’t make the cut for a print serialization.
