18 Rin

A manga about a prestigious young teenager who starts working at an adult film production company to make ends meet after dropping out of high school.
I was extremely skeptical of this manga when I started reading it because I was just waiting for the protagonist to be taken advantage of in some horrible way and it does immediately start with some exploitative fan service by putting the girl in various porno costumes because she doesn’t own any other clothes. But while they do start with jokes revolving around her child-like innocence about sexual content, this series starts to focus on the members of the company working together to make a successful product.
There are some fun behind-the-scenes information about the Japanese adult film industry that were interesting to learn about and the wacky cast of co-workers ended up making this an actually nice story. The ending was pretty abrupt so I presume it ended up being got canceled. A shame because you could tell there were some story plots that were never finished.
There was a drama adaptation which I think could be funny and I’d like to check out sometime.