260 – 5 Year Anniversary Retrospective Redux 1 – Parasyte

260 – 5 Year Anniversary Retrospective Redux 1 – Parasyte

Come join us as we celebrate 5 years of podcasting! dakazu’s made a top 5 list of the most bizarre/interesting manga he’s ever talked about and we take a look back at one of our first Retrospectives ever, Parasyte!

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X-Power Yojigen Nikutai Shinka

X-Power Yojigen Nikutai Shinka

An advertisement manga about an amazing body enhancement program that will bring you to your peak health.

We discussed this “manga” on an old episode.


OK… This is probably the most ridiculous thing I have EVER read in my life.

It’s essentially an advertisement in manga form for a scam body enhancement health program. The creator of the program calls himself Sennin(Sage), and starts off by saying you shouldn’t believe him but then talks about everything from how modern medicine is a worthless sham to how he’s discovered the true way to live healthy. And of course, you too can achieve this life changing knowledge for a low fee of $50 a month. What a steal!


This book is filled with hilarious promises and guarantees for this health program. Sennin says you’ll access your primordial hormones and become a babe magnet and your penis will even grow an inch. I thought the part where he explains how members will be participate in the Honolulu marathon and meet their BFF after they fund themselves was particularly hilarious. Sennin even openly admits that he loves money and he’ll use the money he receives to buy things like a new iPhone and designer jeans. I’m not joking about this.

Everything about this screams scam. I’m completely dumbfounded that this thing even exists.


138 – Triple Dip 21 – BEASTARS, Moteki, Ichi the Killer

138 – Triple Dip 21 – BEASTARS, Moteki, Ichi the Killer

This week Seamus likes the secondary couple in the yuri manga Kiss and White Lily for My Dearest Girl, the other shoe finally drops in Chi no Wadachi, darfox and dakazu compare their reading styles, darfox shares his thoughts on the newest arc of Happiness, dakazu comes across the most bizarre and blatant health scam in X-POWER~4th Dimensional Body Enhancement~, and he takes a look at the new Tsutomu Nihei series APOSIMZ(Ningyou no Kuni). Then for our Triple Dip, we discuss BEASTARS, Moteki, and Ichi the Killer!!!

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