Tokyo Revengers

A manga about a man who time travels back and forth from the past to infiltrate a gang that’s responsible for killing his ex-girlfriend in the future.
I’m a huge fan of Ken Wakui’s Shinjuku Swan series. He cut his teeth on seinen manga so I was surprise when switched to shonen stuff after that one ended. His first project Dessert Eagle was alright but ultimately didn’t land the mark. This follow up series is doing much better and I’m enjoying it a lot.
My favorite part is how the protagonist Takemichi constantly jumps from the past back to the future. Lots of variance from the butterfly effect drastically changes the future, sometimes for the worst. Since Shijuku Swan was essentially in the delinquent/gang genre, Wakui feel very much at home drawing all these gang battles.
Really enjoying everything so far and glad Wakui is enjoying success.