Gunjou Senki

Gunjou Senki

A manga where a high school specializing in athletics is transported through time to warring states period of Japan and the students must defend themselves against famous historical warlords to survive.

The concept of time traveling to the warring states period of Japan is fairly common but the twist is that along with the protagonist, the majority of the students are superior athletes who apply their sports skills to combat. The wild ping pong ace duel wields knives while the American football player tackles bandits to the ground. They all have to fight to survive and prevent history from changing as well.

It’s a pretty entertaining version of the misplaced modern citizens surviving in the past. Unfortunately it wrapped up what they called “part 1″ after 17 volumes and is now on hiatus. The creator, Masaki Kasahara, is currently writing a new series called Libidors so I doubt we’ll see “part 2″ for a while.
