Isekai Izakaya “Gen”

Isekai Izakaya “Gen”

Story about a modern day Japanese pub that’s serves citizens in the fantasy medieval kingdom of Oilia.

This series is directly linked to Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu as they’re both written by Natsuya Semikawa. They take place in the same universe and even have some characters cross over between the series. “Gen” is a bit different in some ways because the master of the pub focuses on more Western style foods than the Japanese foods found in Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu. It also has a family dynamic with the titular master “Gen”, his daughter Hinata, and Hinata’s boyfriend Shotaro. Besides those main differences, you have similar stories about different citizens of Oilia loving modern foods they’ve never tried before. Tsukasa Usui does a nice job drawing everything but I personally prefer Nitouhei Virginia‘s art in Nobu. Regardless, this was great additional reading for me.

You can buy English editions of Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu from Udon Entertainment.
