Shiori Experience – Jimi na Watashi to Hen na Oji-san

Shiori Experience – Jimi na Watashi to Hen na Oji-san

A manga about a boring school teacher who ends up meeting the ghost of Jimi Hendrix. Now she must become a musical legend before her 28th birthday or she will die!

We’ve discussed this on a recent episode.

It’s a shame I’ve never heard about this manga til now because it is extremely my jam. It’s a music manga, it’s about teachers inspiring students, and it’s about pursuing your dreams. All things I love reading about! I also think the gimmick that the members of the 27 Club are agents of the devil who grant talent is great. I’ve only read two volumes so far and those mostly focus on the teacher starting a rock music club at school and recruiting students as band members but I’m looking forward to other members of the 27 Club appearing.

Bravo to author Kazuya Machida and artist Yu-ko Osada! Definitely going to keep reading this one!
