Boss Renoma: Shuujin Riku Gaiden

Boss Renoma: Shuujin Riku Gaiden

A prequel to Shuujin Riku that follows the character Renoma as he first arrives at the Gokuraku island super-max prison facility.

I like Shuujin Riku a lot. This prequel is done well but seems like more of the same, and ultimately pretty unnecessary. I always prefer manga artist to try their hand at creating new manga so I’m glad this ended quickly and now Shinobu Seguchi can move on and try something else.


225 – One Shot 17 – An Invitation from a Crab

225 – One Shot 17 – An Invitation from a Crab

On this episode we review the surreal stories in An Invitation from a Crab by panpanya!

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