Mr. TONEGAWA: Middle Management Blues

Mr. TONEGAWA: Middle Management Blues

A comedy spin-off of Gambling Apocalypse: KAIJI that follows the hardships of Yukio Tonegawa as the 2nd in command of an evil corporation run by the crazy old coot Kazutaka Hyoudo.

My initial reaction to this was “another spin-off?” but I was shocked at how great this is. Taking the aspects of KAIJI and turning them on their head for laughs works amazingly. The creators Tensei Hagiwara & Tomohiro Hashimoto do a perfect copy of Nobuyuki Fukumoto’s art style and storytelling. I laughed so hard at the parody of the inspirational ‘Brave Man Road’ monologue that I was crying.

The anime adaptation is even better with the narrator being my favorite character. If you’re a fan of KAIJI than you should definitely check it out!


099 – One Shot 2 – Misu Misou

099 – One Shot 2 – Misu Misou

On this episode Seamus explains the relevance of certain characters related to Norse Mythology in Vinland Saga, dakazu loves the Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji comedy spin-off about evil organization middle management in Mr. Tonegawa: Middle Management Blues(Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa), and we catch up on another chapter of Billy Bat! Then for our One Shot retrospective, we look at Rensuke Oshikiri’s tragic tale of murderous middle schoolers in Misu Misou!!!

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