Kimi ga Bokura wo Akuma to Yonda Koro

A manga about a boy with amnesia who is forced to uncover his past as a violent bully by his victims.
I’m really not sure what this series is trying to do…
Well, I do but I don’t like it or care for it.
Takashi Sano has created a story where this protagonist slowly learn about his past as an awful person. The mystery and driving force of the story is the reveal of what he did that lead to the death of a girl he was supposedly in love with. The only problem is that everything about this bully’s past is so vile and despicable that when the truth(that didn’t make much sense) was revealed I didn’t care to sympathize with him at all. The series is still on-going but because of this I don’t care what happens to him or the guilt he’ll have to live with after what he’s done. Nothing will be worth reading about.
Screw this guy.