456 – Ryuko part 2

On this episode we discuss Helck, One-Punch Man, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Barbeque, Drunk Invader, Spunk, and more! Then we finish out our Ryuko Retrospective!!!
Continue reading456 – Ryuko part 2
On this episode we discuss Helck, One-Punch Man, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Barbeque, Drunk Invader, Spunk, and more! Then we finish out our Ryuko Retrospective!!!
Continue reading292 – Yu Yu Hakusho part 1
The time is finally here! We’ve been waiting over four years to start a Retrospective on Yu Yu Hakusho! Join us as we examine the first three volumes of Yoshihiro Togashi’s beloved series about the delinquent Yusuke Urameshi, who goes from ghost to spirit detective! Morgana and Darfox have lots of love for the anime but dakazu has issues with the loose English translations! We also answer emails and Seamus rereads Vinland Saga!!!
Continue reading253 – Anime Interlude 11 – Sarazanmai
This week our buddy CrossXhunteR joins us as we talk about Sarazanmai and other anime from the 2019 spring season along with new series from the 2019 summer season like Vinland Saga!!!
Continue reading208 – 4 More Years – 4 year Anniversary Special with Ryan Higgins
Please join us for our special 4 year anniversary of Manga Machinations! We’ve asked our friend Ryan Higgins from the Comic Conspiracy store and podcast to join us as we talk about the comics industry through a retail store and learn how manga is sold!
Follow Ryan Higgins on twitter!
Continue reading203 – One Shot 14 – Manga Poverty with Deb Aoki
We’re joined by lovely manga journalist Deb Aoki this week to talk about the changes in the Western manga industry, compare them to the problems in Japanese publishing that are addressed in Shuho Sato’s memoir Manga Poverty, and rejoice over the plethora of recent manga licensing news!
Check out Deb’s twitter, professional site and Manga Answerman articles!
106 – Triple Dip 17 – WOMBS, Yu Yu Hakusho, Historie
On this episode Darfox rates Mob Psycho 100 higher than One Punch Man while dakazu finishes My Love Story!! and Inside Mari(Boku wa Mari no Naka) while checking out a remake of Takao Saito’s Survival and a manga adaptation of The Garden of Words that we covered on Manga in Motion 4(episode 64). Then we check out the starting chapters of Yu Yu Hakusho, Historie and WOMBS for our Triple Dip section!!!
Continue reading102 – Billy Bat part 10
This week we start off by thanking a listener, we examine characteristics of ONE’s protagonists from One Punch Man & Mob Psycho 100, and Seamus breaks down the levity of lighter chapters in Golden Kamuy! Then we go over the final chapters of Billy Bat before breaking down the series, solving all the mysteries, and giving our overall thoughts on the series as a whole!!!(covers chapters 163-165)
Continue reading080 – Triple Dip 14 – Shuumatsu no Laughter, Tokyo Ghoul, Trigun
Wrestlemania weekend won’t stop us from bringing you a new episode! Seamus talks about the newest arc of Vinland Saga, darfox is enjoying One Punch Man, dakazu loves the hilarious behind-the-scenes stories in Anime Prison School wo Tsukutta Otoko-tachi(The Men who made the Prison School Anime) and looks at Shuzo Oshimi’s earlier work Avant-Garde Yumeko. Then we jump into Tokyo Ghoul, Trigun, and Shuumatsu no Laughter for our latest Triple Dip!!!
Continue reading056 – Blame! part 2
This week we start off with a Billy Bat update hour, Seamus continues with Planetes, darfox and dakazu discuss the ending of the Blood Blockade Battlefront(Kekkai Sensen) anime, we talk about the One Punch Man anime, and end with a long recap of the next set of Blame! chapters in our Retrospective!!!(covers chapters 12-24)
Continue reading027 – Triple Dip 1 – Bunny Drop, One Punch Man, BLAME!
On this episode Seamus catches up on Vinland Saga, dakazu hungers for grilled Basilisk in Delicious in Dungeon, and then gives an update on Magical Girl Apocalypse. After that we delve into our new section Triple Dip, where we read 1 volume of 3 different manga! This week we take a look at One Punch Man, Bunny Drop, and BLAME!.
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