Renai Sanjigen Debut – Sanjudai Otaku Mangaka, Kekkon e no Michi.~

Manga artist Ayami Kazama‘s chronicle of her journey from shy girl to lonesome adult otaku to finally getting married.
We’ve discussed this on a recent episode.
After Morgana talked about I Don’t Know How to Give Birth! I found that Ayami Kazama had a few other non-fiction books that preceded that one. This one is the first in her series of autobiographical tales and it’s quite impressive she was willing to share so much of her embarrassing past. During Elementary school she would cry when confronted by boys because she thought everything she read in romantic shoujo manga was real. She spent her early adult life being obsessed with shipping fictional characters. Even when she started dating she had no concept of how to interact with others. It’s seems self deprecating but I really liked how she would be recapping all this to her editor who would jump in and point out everything absurd.
As Kazama reached the age of 30 she began a romance with a manga artist who she would go on to marry. I was extremely disappointed that her husband turned out to be Azure Konno who created Koe de Oshigoto!, a manga about forcing high school students to voice hentai dating simulators, which I despise. While I’m glad Kazama found someone who she found love with despite all her eccentricities, I really didn’t like that it was Konno. And unfortunately I found this out after I already bought the next book Totsuidemo Otaku desu. so I guess I’ll have to keep reading about them for now.