253 – Anime Interlude 11 – Sarazanmai

This week our buddy CrossXhunteR joins us as we talk about Sarazanmai and other anime from the 2019 spring season along with new series from the 2019 summer season like Vinland Saga!!!
Continue reading253 – Anime Interlude 11 – Sarazanmai
This week our buddy CrossXhunteR joins us as we talk about Sarazanmai and other anime from the 2019 spring season along with new series from the 2019 summer season like Vinland Saga!!!
Continue reading136 – Manga in Motion 16 – Your Name.
This week Seamus makes predictions for what happens next in Vinland Saga and Chi no Wadachi, darfox digs the love triangle in Prison School and is enjoying ATOM: THE BEGINNING, dakazu pulls a Seamus and spoils himself on Furenaba Ochin, and we talk about upcoming live action movie adaptations of manga, such as Gintama, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and Blade of the Immortal. Finally, we look at the super popular anime movie Your Name. and give our opinions about it!!!
Continue reading108 – Triple Dip Redux 1 – Golden Kamuy, Vinland Saga, My Brother’s Husband
Seamus is absent this week but we use this opportunity to get Darfox caught up on some manga he missed while he was out! We revisit Golden Kamuy, Vinland Saga, and My Brother’s Husband to get darfox’s thoughts on these series! Also dakazu reads a cute series documenting a mangaka’s husband becoming a ramen chef in Danna ga Kyou Kara Ramenya, but isn’t sure how to feel about the fashion manga Fuku wo Kiru Nara Konna Fuu ni(Do it this way if you wear the clothes)! We also discuss the newly translated My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness!!!
Continue reading099 – One Shot 2 – Misu Misou
On this episode Seamus explains the relevance of certain characters related to Norse Mythology in Vinland Saga, dakazu loves the Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji comedy spin-off about evil organization middle management in Mr. Tonegawa: Middle Management Blues(Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa), and we catch up on another chapter of Billy Bat! Then for our One Shot retrospective, we look at Rensuke Oshikiri’s tragic tale of murderous middle schoolers in Misu Misou!!!
Continue reading080 – Triple Dip 14 – Shuumatsu no Laughter, Tokyo Ghoul, Trigun
Wrestlemania weekend won’t stop us from bringing you a new episode! Seamus talks about the newest arc of Vinland Saga, darfox is enjoying One Punch Man, dakazu loves the hilarious behind-the-scenes stories in Anime Prison School wo Tsukutta Otoko-tachi(The Men who made the Prison School Anime) and looks at Shuzo Oshimi’s earlier work Avant-Garde Yumeko. Then we jump into Tokyo Ghoul, Trigun, and Shuumatsu no Laughter for our latest Triple Dip!!!
Continue reading062 – Triple Dip 10 – Ooku: The Inner Chambers, Ushio to Tora, Video Girl Ai
This week Seamus deals with cheesy storylines in Vinland Saga and dakazu can’t stop praising the Sci-Fi epic Imuri! Then, it’s time for more Triple Dip! We discuss gratuitous panty shots of Video Girl Ai, horror design in Ushio to Tora, and gush over male harems in feudal Japan from Ooku: The Inner Chambers!!!
Continue reading052 – Triple Dip 8 – Thermae Romae, Kingdom, I am a Hero
This week we talk about new Vinland Saga chapters, the horror/comedy Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw, and discuss the 1st volumes of Thermae Romae, Kingdom, and I am a Hero for Triple Dip!!!
Continue reading027 – Triple Dip 1 – Bunny Drop, One Punch Man, BLAME!
On this episode Seamus catches up on Vinland Saga, dakazu hungers for grilled Basilisk in Delicious in Dungeon, and then gives an update on Magical Girl Apocalypse. After that we delve into our new section Triple Dip, where we read 1 volume of 3 different manga! This week we take a look at One Punch Man, Bunny Drop, and BLAME!.
Continue reading020 – Slam Dunk part 5
This week dakazu explores fetish fuel in the harem manga Actually, I am…, sheds tears over tragic death and rescue in Gaku, and Seamus finds factual errors in Vinland Saga. And we delve deep into the Shohoku vs Kainan match in part 5 of our Slam Dunk retrospective!!(covers chapters 99-133)
Continue reading019 – Slam Dunk part 4
After discussing the finer points of international coke, this week Seamus gets into Vikings with Vinland Saga and dakazu talks about primitive tribes living on terraformed Venus in Gyoseiki. Then we delve deep into Slam Dunk by discussing the Shohoku vs Shoyo match!!(covers chapters 79-98)
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