236 – Give My Regards to Black Jack part 4

This week we reach the end of Give My Regards to Black Jack! Join us as we give our final thoughts on Shuho Sato’s medical drama that asks, “What does it mean, to be a doctor?”!!!!
Continue reading236 – Give My Regards to Black Jack part 4
This week we reach the end of Give My Regards to Black Jack! Join us as we give our final thoughts on Shuho Sato’s medical drama that asks, “What does it mean, to be a doctor?”!!!!
Continue reading225 – One Shot 17 – An Invitation from a Crab
On this episode we review the surreal stories in An Invitation from a Crab by panpanya!
Continue reading221 – Guest Gaiden 3 – Interpreting with Jocelyne Allen
This week translator extraordinaire Jocelyne Allen returns to answer our questions about working as an interpreter and how it differs from translating books!
Check out Jocelyne’s blog & her professional website!
Continue reading216 – Triple Dip 31 – Starving Anonymous, Scum’s Wish, The Fable
On this episode we check out 3 more manga for another Triple Dip! Seamus picks the ultimate unrequited love story of Scum’s Wish, darfox with the crime drama about a legendary hitman in The Fable, and dakazu brings the grotesque horror of Starving Anonymous!
Continue reading215 – Ode to Kirihito part 2
This week we wrap up our Retrospective review of Ode to Kirihito by Osamu Tezuka!
Continue reading210 – Manga in Motion 32 – Bleach
This episode we look at the recent live-action adaptation of Bleach and ask ourselves the question “was this ever good to begin with?”
Continue reading204 – One Shot 15 – Nijigahara Holograph
On this episode we review Inio Asano’s Nijigahara Holograph! Will dakazu, Darfox, and Seamus be able to decipher this strange story?
Continue reading193 – Creator Cross Section 4 – Inio Asano
dakazu is gone this week so Darfox and Seamus have to decipher Inio Asano by themselves!
Continue reading129 – Saikyo Selections 5 – Patlabor
This week Seamus is looking into the history of post-World War 2 Japan with Shigeru Mizuki’s Showa and Yoshihiro Tatsumi’s Abandon the Old in Tokyo and Good-Bye, we discuss the representations of racial stereotypes in Japanese culture, darfox is enjoys the use of back lighting in Chi no Wadachi, and dakazu ponders if Inio Asano’s new series Reiraku, about a depressed manga-author, is autobiographical! Then our deliberations over the upcoming stage-version of Inuyasha and adaptations of manga into other media leads us to our Saikyo Selection on Patlabor! We explain it’s origins as a media mix project and get into what we like about the series!!!(covers volumes 1-2)
Continue reading073 – Goodnight Punpun part 6
Welcome to our last Goodnight Punpun retrospective! We’ll be covering the final chapters and discussing what happens, talk about our favorite moments from the series, and ponder if the ending leaves Punpun happy or in hell!! GOOD VIBRATIONS!!!(covers chapters 122-147)
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